
Pikesville High, the heartbeat of our culturally-diverse community, is where PRIDE in our work, and HONOR for ourselves and others, combine to ensure SUCCESS in cultivating our globally-competitive students.

Virtual Inclement Weather Plan

2024/25 Welcome Back Letter!

2024/25 Pikesville High School Calendar

2024/2025 Bell Schedule

3 Hour Early Closing Schedule

2024/2025 A/B Day Schedule

BCPS Cell Phone Policy

Cafeteria Information

2024/2025 PHS Bus Routes

School Progress Plan Summary 2024-2025

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan 2024-2025


Parents and Guardians of Pikesville High School Students:

You now have direct access to your child's Schoology and Focus accounts. Please review the attached form if you need support accessing this information. Please continue to regularly check your child's progress and communicate with teachers if your child needs more support.


email iconDirections to support students in accessing their BCPS outlook email accounts.
*Please note that the directions instruct student to start by going to BCPSOne, but they should NOT do this. They should access by going to office.com



Panthers stay engaged and accountable

AVID Demonstration

Online School Payments
Access the On-line School payments Web Portal to make payments online for products and/or activities sold by the school, teacher and sponsors.

Technology Support:

Help Desk Information 
(Chromebooks are not supported by the BCPS Serve Portal Linked on this page.  Students with Chromebook issues should use the phone number listed on the bottom of the page for support.)

Contact Information:

Main Fax 443-809-3009
Counseling 443-809-1219
Counseling Fax 443-809-6840
Athletic Director 443-809-1257
Nurse 443-809-3003

Quick Links

Upcoming Events

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